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Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

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Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby samurai69 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:37 pm

Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through & around injury

ok theres a few injuries on here today

unfortunately the people with the most have trained for a long time and most are chronic or reccuring. These are tough to work through, most people tend to work round them.

I personally have too many little niggley injuries reccuring and some more chronic ones too, my knees for example.

So for those new to training or those with out injuries looking to increase their training or move to a different style of training wether its a newer thing (the MMA training method is popular now) or looking to move in to a different sport

the way to do things to remain injury free is necesary

the main things are what we miss as a newbie, but also the things we should also do and are not really told................ for example heavier lifts without warm ups.......are they right or wrong? a trainer i have to go to different clients through the day, i have to demonstrate exercises when i am cold, most times with no warm up


we know

warm up
mobilisation of joints
elongating the muscles (but not too much)
light lifting (as a warm up) proper form
then the proper workout...............good and proper form
cool down and light stretching
Proper stretching (to improve flexibility)

the thing most of us do not do..............or knowingly anyway................IS

lifting in many different ways (AL mentioned it on a thread regarding round back lifting) looking at a dead lift...we all have to lift different things from the floor at sometime

Practice for deadlifts

high reps
low reps
wide grip
narrow grip
round back
stiff legged
with trap/deadlift bar
with sand bag
with d bells
seated deadlifts
Atlast stones
one armed
lunge deadlifts

100 rep sessions

ok 15 variations.........some are good form some are "contra indicated" .....................ALL SHOULD BE PRACTICED......................what you must do if performing a poor form technique (round back dead) for example is to kNOW that you are doing it, why you are practicing it and what to do to avoid injury when doing it

In the strongman deadlifts we have all sseen theres probably the worst form ever to get the bar up, rounded back, no legs, jerking it up................ for massive weight

SO on this thread we should hopefully look at ways thet we can train to avoid the injuries in the first place (or at least cut the chances of serious injury)

then there are the people with injuries (erics back and scotts calf etc)..................erics problem is long term and severely chronic (in medical terms) scotts has been hanging around for a while now and is moderatlely chronic

eric, i am sure knows more about his problem than i will ever do so , here i can only suggest things he may or may not have tried, scotts is a little easier as i can talk here from personal experiance.......also scotts injury is newer

so first thing for injured training is to not aggravate the injury too much (some aggravation will occur with stretching and massage - that is ok) and we are looking to either heal the injured area or build up the muscle around the area to protect it..................this often happens in nature..............if you damage a nerve the muscle around it tighten to protect it, which is when we risk pulling/straining the muscles which then becomes a vicious cycle . whilst the injured area is recovering we also need to learn to train around it (what causes pain or further injury etc), sometimes this can also help heal the severe tennis and golfers elbow on both arms would have left me not being able to do anything if i had just rested them until pain stopped..............i chose to exercise it in to recovery.......and now i get no (or very little) pain from the elbows , i also know what sets it off (usually silly things).

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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Eric » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:48 pm

Good post! well written :grin:
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Cookie » Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:49 pm

Bump (no not hurt myself) for laters
"If you don't have conditioning it doesn't matter how big your muscles are they ain't gonna reach their full potential!"

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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Scott » Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:05 pm


must say though that for maybe 2 days before I re-injured my calf it DID feel a little tight. reading sams post would lead me to think that during my training that week I maybe pulled it a little, not enough to really noticed but I'll bet it was enough for stuff to tighten up a bit to protect it then..... twang! makes sense.

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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby lil john » Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:09 pm

like it, good read well put.
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby samurai69 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:18 pm

well lets add to it

if i had 1 new client at the gym about 16 to 20 years old, maybe played a little sport, but nothing much, not a drinker or a smoker, but average is ok.

then to start from scratch.................different sportsbut lets pick a basic, that he wanted to get great at...........if i pickk MMA as its the latest thing thats ok, but i wont concentrate on any fighting arts stuff.............maybe rounds on a bag

so day 1 (start)

basic health test.............RHR, BP,general health questions answered ilnesses or injuries...............average rhr, bp etc

then a fitness and strength test
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby samurai69 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:05 am

Ok, lets look at warm ups

cookie is preparing for his race, thats coming up we will lookat what you should be doing for that sort of event and also look at what you should be doing pre any workout

some of you that train at home or out side especially during winter months will need to warm up (or be warmer) more than those that are relatively warm before starting a training session, and then theres event warm ups too

but , also before we go into how to warm up there is a time where you may be called into immediate action without a warm up (or proper warm up)...............the copper sitting in his car for hours who suddenly may have to jump out and sprint after a villain...............the soldier waiting for an enemy suddenly springing into life when an attack comes, a fireman sleeping, suddenly hearing the alarm bell at the station.................IMO we should also be training the body for this sort of thing to, too a degree...............obviously if we arent old bill or military this may not be called on so much, but still IMO an important part of training......................i was due to run a 8k race over the 25th of april bridge here a few years ago, but due to mix ups with trains etc we ended up walking up to the start line a few minutes after the official start (like the starts at the london marathon) so we were effectively right at the back of the real chance for what i would call a warm up., luckily the rush to get there and start was probably enough of a warm up.....................that sort of thing can happen to all of us in one way or another

so going back to the test subject, if during his training he approaches this part of it as well as proper warmups then he should go a long way into avoiding injury

now for most of us here that are over their best (beyond 30, recovering from injuries and aches and pains appearing, hectic work life, need for longer recovery of injuries etc), we do need to warm up properly and more carefully, maybe learn to strap and protect injuries, before a workout . we can also still train for those unexpected times too, but we need to approach that area more carefully

SO (without looking at the psychological part of the warm up at the moment)

back to a proper warm up

what do we need to look at here, what is the activity we are going to partake in......................if its something like a gentle jog, maybe all you really need to do here is start with a light walk, getting brisker and into a light jog and as we warm the body and increase the blood flow we can start to lengthen the stride and just build in to our natural stride for the run.........that may be all you need to do

if i am going to lift weights (not plyometricly or explosive training) say a basic maintenance workout for chest with a barbell, then here i start with a bar and work the muscles through the range of motion i am planning for that particular session (with chest sometimes i try to work the extreme areas of stretch wich is a different matter) so, this firstly starts the muscles working and at the same time the joints are getting the work they need to lubricate the joint nicely i then will increase the weight up a gradually then for work i will do my working sets (what ever that may be 5x5, 10x10 etc thats not important here)

no if i am planning a more explosive workout (bench press for a powerlifting sesion or a plyo workout) i need to do more things to effect a proper warm up................firstly with a plyo workout, some of the perfect techniqe i used in the normal maintenance workout may fail, so i have to make sure the joints are properly warm (mobilisation exercises here) also the muscles are going to possibly be taken through a more forced workout and through a larger range of motion, so i do not want to damage them any more than necessary to build them up, but i do want to lightly stretch the muscle (now here light is the word) you want to take the muscles only through their range of motion, or expected range of motion, any more than this and you are putting the muscles through un necessary danger of tearing.

again we need to follow this with putting the muscles through their expected task, but with a lighter load, we also need to start the explosive processes of but with the same build up as before

psychologically we need to warm up and prepare mentally too..............the warm up time is where we should really start to do this, but in effect it starts when we get ready to train, maybe the walk or drive to the gym, or when we change in to workout gear etc.................through this time we are starting to plan the workout or event, visualising our effort, our planned session, our start, our finish too , particularly for events we need to visualise the process form start to finish.....................keeping things positive we look at the gentle (planned start the way we breath naturally and comfortably, the way we relax our shoulders, how the first turn should be taken etc etc)

not sure if i have missed anythin

so a brief summary

psychological preparation for workout or event (visualisation etc) mental preparedness (is that a word)

the warm up

mobilistation of the joints range of motion to where you expect it to be through the event

light elongation of the muscles as they warm they will become more mobile and therefore more flexible, but do not take them to extremes that you havent trained in before (if you are a mma fighter for example you may have practiced and trained extreme shoulder stretches etc, this is ok to warm up to)

if you are going to be using your cardio system you need to work the lungs and heart and warm them up too...........thsi is usually done with the muscle warming/elongating..............same principle as the start of the jog above (walk, light jog etc)

then the training session or the event

then once we have copmleted the above.....end of race or training session, we als need to wind down from this, a chance to stretch out the muscles etc....................this is the cool down and for next time

with an event like the one cookie has planned , there are some extremes of range of movement that need to be introduced into the warm ups, things like the calf muscles will be put under a lot of pressure on the climbs etc.......................whilst training for the event we need to be particularly vigilante of injury times as cookie wrote in his journal, dont rush to get ther, if you feel a twang or something is not 100% right dont push it...................1, we are not professionals that still get paid when we are injured, 2, our careers do not depend on us pushing through an injury, 3, we do not have access to the sort of doctors that will fix us up now for the event then spend even longer after wards getting us fit for the next time..........................take it easy

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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Al » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:24 am

Good stuff!
As one who trains out in the cold, I'd also add that a muscle rub like "Nicoflex" can also add to the warm up process, but not replace it.
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Cookie » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:40 pm

Good stuff matey..

As discussed I need to implement better warm up protocols & will be doing so in coming days/weeks.
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Eric » Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:47 am

Good post mate

ONE SMART COOKIE wrote:Good stuff matey..

As discussed I need to implement better warm up protocols & will be doing so in coming days/weeks.

I agree, i dont think i warm up enough

What worked for me 5 years ago aint enough now, injuries etc, so have been adding a lot more this last week after my last re-injury.

Even though iv only been doing some band work and light squats i feel i need a lot of warming up, i also train in the cold which adds more warming up.
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby samurai69 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:31 am

Just bumping this thread as there should be more to add

cookies physio has told him of points that need working on for example

modified movement based warm upas are becoming popular on YT at the moment

etc etc
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Re: Building up to IT, avoiding injury, training through &

Postby Cookie » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:17 pm

samurai69 wrote:cookies physio has told him of points that need working on for example


Practically rebuilding me, but more on that later when I have to time video some stuff.
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