ok suggestions for a name for my new gym
i quite like the spartan theme and the film 300, but not sure if anyone here in portugal has a clue about that - but hey we can educate them
so i need some ideas - please
only sensible ones as any i feel are stupid will result in the person who suggested it being banned for 1 week - unless its an idea from me
something easy like "spartan gym" maybe as its new it probably will be a little spartan ( )
I also really like the gym in the video clips here http://www.gymjones.com/ its pretty much what the plan for my gym will look like only a litle more tastefull
the name will appear on some tv promotions, ads in papers and on the web
i also like the logo here on cookies site - and other bits done by the very able scott
i also like the logo for the gym jones site
so if you want to design a logo too that would be great
i may even give out a prize for the winners - maybe a weeks board and training at the completed gym - you would have to pay for the flights