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Injury / Rehab

Any way back, or game over for lux?

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Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lux » Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:33 pm

Hi Guys
Sorry for my huuugely long gap of being around the forums. Life went totally off the rails and i had to go and "work away" for a few years, still got just under 2 years left to go,"on contract" but currently on home leave and trying to rebuild my life.

Anyway, injury/illness wise, i have had some low level stomach problems that came and went for a period of 3-4 years and the docs kind of presumed it was IBS, and offered a sigmoidoscopy because of concerns of blood loss from bowels and weight loss. I never went through with the camera up the bum option as the syptoms usually cleared up as the appointments got closer so i presumed all was better.

Then in December just gone my symptoms went crazy as i moved to another position working away where i get lots more time off. I ended up going to the toilet up to 20-30 times a day :shock: and during the night i was getting up every 30-60 mins to pass lots of blood and mucus!!!
This totally wrote me off and i got progressively worse leading up to my hospitalisation in January :sad:

I knew how bad things were one day when i saw how much muscle had gone, no joking, i looked like a bag of bones and i'm still the same now. They have diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis and so far the plan A of medication hasn't been working. Plan B meds should be starting soon, and i'm desperate for them to work and start to rebuild my health and put some weight back on me as the most recent weigh was at 52kg :shock:

So what i'm asking guys is, can lux be rebuilt? even just to a % of my old self? I know i can't touch the gym until my health and bodyweight start to improve, but until then its destroying my head to see my body in such a state!

And as for training while i've been away? I've had some good times, but the repetitive illness has always held me back. I once was doing a push/pull 2 day routine and set myself a target of 40kg on belt for 8 chins. I got as far as 35kg for 5 then got stuck ](*,)

**Had to edit a few things as my situation of working away is kind of sensitive, so need to be cautious how i say stuff.
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby samurai69 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:44 am

Hi, well the answerr is yes....probably, but it would be a slow process
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lil john » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:05 am

Hell of a set of events there

I'm sure you can, tho first would be to get health in order then slowly get back into it making sure your focusing on helpin the health as well
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby Cookie » Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:37 pm

Lux great to see you back.

Have to agree with S69 it can be done but its a very slow process.

I pretty much destroyed myself a good few years back and that took a number of years to correct everything that was wrong.

If I can you can :grin:
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lux » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:04 pm

Its going to have to be slowly, slowly catchy monkey i reckon. Like you guys know, once the training bug is in your veins its never, ever going away. So once the medication starts to work properly and i begin to get better, i'll go super careful in building myself back up.
And i'm liking that theres a trap bar frame in my gym for deadlifting, so i can get back to my heroes style of training again of the big main lifts a few days a week. Now what was his name again? Was it Chad, or Scott? :lol:

Going back to work tomorrow guys so may not get to post for about 6 weeks or so, but i'll be back when i can. Keep up all your hard work and destroying all targets you set yourself :supz:
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby Cookie » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:59 pm

lux wrote:Its going to have to be slowly, slowly catchy monkey i reckon. Like you guys know, once the training bug is in your veins its never, ever going away. So once the medication starts to work properly and i begin to get better, i'll go super careful in building myself back up.
And i'm liking that theres a trap bar frame in my gym for deadlifting, so i can get back to my heroes style of training again of the big main lifts a few days a week. Now what was his name again? Was it Chad, or Scott? :lol:

Going back to work tomorrow guys so may not get to post for about 6 weeks or so, but i'll be back when i can. Keep up all your hard work and destroying all targets you set yourself :supz:

Take care mate and we'll see you soon.

In the mean time check out Pavel's greasing the groove method and also the ladder method.

Both work around adding a rep or so here and there as you build up each day, week, month.
"If you don't have conditioning it doesn't matter how big your muscles are they ain't gonna reach their full potential!"

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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lux » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:09 pm

I'm back again as i've got a few days off. Being terrorised by my my 4 year old daughter, so will have to try and catch up with stuff on the site whenever i get chance !

My health has been bouncing back quite well. I have gone from a bodyweight of 50kg, to a now 62kg. And its not all pretty weight as its been powered by space raiders, custard creams and haribo :lol: I've also got a fat face from the steroid medication :lol:

After the hospitalisation i couldn't even take two steps at a time, or even walk briskly. I havn't really worked on my cardio, but i can safely cross the road without fear of being run over :lol: My first weights workout was an eye opener for me. I was expecting to lift the trap bar with 15kg either side for sets of 10-12 reps. But it ended up being just the bar that was a strain :eek:
I'm now back up to having 25kg either side of the bar and also adding weight to other lifts, like dips and chins. The cardio is definately going to have to be introduced and improved as the next plan of action. I had to leave out doing squats as any over exertion would cause me to feel the urgency to open my bowels!! :shock: And that would have been a messy situation :lol:

I'm feeling more positive about the future now my health has began to recover, and i reckon i'll be trying squats sometime soon :smile:
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby samurai69 » Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:33 am

sounds like its going in the right direction
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby Cookie » Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:43 am

Onwards and upwards mate, keep going.
"If you don't have conditioning it doesn't matter how big your muscles are they ain't gonna reach their full potential!"

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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lil john » Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:11 pm

Awesome lux, things going forward
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby lux » Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:07 pm

Time for an update, and a way for anybody else who may suffer with the same illness, to have hope for the future.

I still suffer with some mild symptoms, and i am more in tune with my body and what may cause my bowel to become problematic. Namely high fibre foods like green leafy veg, baked beans, oats, and coffee.

Training has been using descending sets and 5 deep breaths between sets (30 secs). I set myself a goal of hitting 60kg on the belt for dips, at a bodyweight of 63kg. It took me 4 weeks to increase 15kg and reach that target for 3 reps, which is stronger than i've ever been for this exercise!
Time to focus on chins or squats in the same manor and bring that strength up too.

So after being totally wiped out and feeling as though my training life was over, i'm back and an even badder badass than before :supz:
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Re: Any way back, or game over for lux?

Postby samurai69 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:25 am

all good progression is progression
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