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Julies first Comp, my 4th

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Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby samurai69 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:43 am

Up to northampton yesterday for a comp Julies first and my 4th

set off early to weigh in for 9am then off for breakfast, comp should have started at 12, not until 12.30 though

first event was Zerchers, i pulled a 170 for a new PB and missed 180, i think i might of had that if i hadnt competed last week. Julie got 115kg and failed 120.....agasin another pb..... it was last man standing and really dragged..... took nearly 90 minutes for event

it was going to be a long day

next up was log for julie and medley for me, julie got 7 reps, i managed the first 2 logs ok, but couldnt clean the 80kg axle, i really need to work on that as well as a lot of other things over the next few months

then sand bag loading, both julie and i missed the last bag, surprised julie and myself to a degree how fast i actually was

then it was a 150kg sled arm over arm with a drag back, i was placed with my next highest partner and it was real close, i shared the video across on facebook, only juat had him, julie did ok too

final event for us was the farmers walk (there should have been a wobble hold but in the end it was just used to decide tied places) i again moved pretty quickly and only just missed beating the guy i had beaten earlier, but i was fairly quick, julie managed this quite well considering she struggled to pick them up a few weeks ago

I finished 8th out of 10, and thought i would have been tieng for last place but obviously not LOL, julie came 5th out of 7 people.... but hell its still 5th place

happy eneough as i didnt make any mistakes and TBH some of the innovative items i used worked really well

finally got home about 9.45 after stopping to eat

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Re: Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby lil john » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:21 am

Sounds like she do awesome

You found the conditioning has paid off then with the speed?
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Re: Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby samurai69 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:08 pm

lil john wrote:Sounds like she do awesome

You found the conditioning has paid off then with the speed?

yeh its getting there, the drills i had started to do before i smashed my foot would have helped more, but theres still damage to the bone on right foot and the left still has this numb spot.....hopefully after all the comps i can take a week or 2 to repair more and then get on it hard for next year
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Re: Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby lil john » Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:11 pm

What were the drills?
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Re: Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby samurai69 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:18 pm

lil john wrote:What were the drills?

shuttle sprints, high knees, double tap step ups, skips, strides, fast feet
Ephor - one of five powerful civil magistrates in Spartan government, elected annually by the Assembly.

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Re: Julies first Comp, my 4th

Postby Cookie » Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:06 pm

Well done to both of you.
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