The Diet

What is it with the western world and diet? Pick up any magazine or watch any television channel and you will see some sort of diet being discussed as the next best thing for this season. People seem to be obsessed by being on a diet yet as you look around yourself on a day to day basis the number of people who are unhealthy looking or ranging from overweight to obese is constantly on the increase.

We have become a society with a unhealthy love hate relationship with a basic fundamental thing we need for survival. Yet at the same time whilst all these diets are being thrown around along with their accompanying exercise regimes and cook books the nation as a whole is still not understanding the basics of a healthy diet and being able to cook simple basic meals from scratch. For all the thousands of diets and cookery books which have been published this past century peoples ability to prepare a simple nutritious edible meal seems to have gone backwards.

Until people can learn to cook properly and enjoy a meal that has been prepared from scratch within their own home and with family or friends around them no matter what “diet” they follow it will always be doomed to fail.

Steven. A. Barlow© 2010

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One Response to The Diet

  1. scott says:

    Its like when a ‘celebrity’ will gain weight and look like crap for a while only to shed the weight and sell some magaizes, fitness dvds, books ect ect. The media dont want us healthy or educated, they want us sat on the sofa watching adverts, buying crap and doing what they tell us.