I agree totally, but I don't think it's our instincts that have been stripped but that manufacturers have taken advantage of them.
Back in the good ol' days of hunting and gathering we evolved to thrive (or at least survive) on the food we found aroud us. Sweet taste meant the fruit was ripe, fatty meat was full of calories. Stuff that we needed. No diets required back then. When we started keeping animals and sowing crops our basic cravings didn't change and haven't changed since. It's been too short a time in evolutionary terms for that to happen. So we've selectively bred animals according to their taste. If farmer "A" breeds dry,lean meat and farmer "B" fattier, tastier meat, then we buy from farmer "B", "A" goes out of business and so on. Fast forward to todays fast food and you can see the same trends. I don't see todays overweight people as lazy or greedy; they're just giving into their own instincts with not much thought for their health. It's the food industry, and it is an industry that's got to take a large part of the blame, but the responsibilty lies with the individual for their own well health. Let evolution take its course and see who survives this fast food boom. It hasn't been around for more than a couple of generations.
Have a look at
www.marksdailyapple.com for another perspective on the dairy/agra/pharm industries. You'll soon learn to look at food commercials in a whole different way.